Welcome to Magnify!
When we moved to Colorado Springs, we visited a lot of churches. We wanted to see where God wanted us to serve and then be obedient to His call. One Sunday, we walked into Magnify. Immediately, we thought "This is kind of different. Not every church meets in a YMCA! Being someone who loves to exercise, I wondered if I could cycle during the service. I soon learned that "cycling church" was not offered, but we were still impressed with what God was doing through Magnify!
Why did we choose Magnify? There were three main reasons:
The People - We found the people of Magnify to be friendly and giving. They weren't fake but were authentic people who loved one another and supported each other in the good and hard times.
The Teaching - We found Magnify to be focused on God's Word. It wasn't just studying the Word on Sunday but applying the principles throughout the week. We found their faith statement to be clear and biblical.
The Mission - The mission statement of the church is similar to that of our family: Our mission is to be a "community pursuing transformation in Jesus Christ." Since it is a small church, we could get involved in fulfilling this mission.
You might be wondering what visiting Magnify will be like. Our hope is that you will find these FAQ helpful.
FAQ: What's going to happen when I walk in the front door? Will I know where to go?

When you walk into the YMCA, you'll see our welcome table. It is our hope to always be there to greet you, our guests. We'll introduce ourselves and direct you to the gym, where our worship service is held.
If the service has already started, please come on in. We meet in the gym which is through the double doors and on your right.
FAQ: Does it matter what I wear?
The Magnify people dress in a variety of ways. You'll see people in jeans and others in dresses. Dress however you feel comfortable.
FAQ: What will I do with my children?
During the service, we offer a nursery for babies and toddlers. There are also two children's programs that meets during the teaching segment of the service (age 3-kindergarten and grades 1-5). Children up to grade 5 are dismissed after the worship time.
Some parents prefer to keep their children in the service, and that is just fine. Please do whatever works best for your family.
Note that our nursery and children's workers are carefully selected. They go through a background check and application process. It is our way to promote safety and a good experience for your children.
FAQ: What will the service be like?
Our service usually includes a time of worship music, prayer, teaching, and giving. Our church has a variety of worship styles, but on most Sundays it is contemporary. We enjoy Christian songs, choruses, and hymns from a variety of styles and eras. Our worship team and band are very purposeful about keeping the focus on God and on praising Him through meaningful worship.
Our pastor teaches expositionally through books of the Bible. He most often preaches verse-by-verse and is great at explaining how to practically apply God's Word to our everyday lives.
FAQ: What if I have questions?
Please ask. You'll find the people of Magnify really friendly, and they will be happy to answer any questions you have.
You can pick up an informational brochure and guest form at the welcome table. Please fill out this form so we can pray for you. Our pastor would also like to contact you and thank you for attending Magnify. You can drop the form in the offering box or hand it to those at the welcome table. If you have questions about our church prior to visiting, please
contact us here or email our pastor.
We hope to see you at a service soon!
In Christ,