Our desire is to partner with you to invest in your marriage, parenting, and grand-parenting. We do this through equipping, resources, and partners who desire to bless your kids. We carefully screen and do a background check on all our partners in order to provide our best for your family.
Magnify offers a variety of activities for kids of all ages. Our goal is to train up our children in the way they should go.
Nursery: Our nursery is clean, attractive, and provides a welcoming environment for babies and toddlers. The safety of your child is our utmost concern. Nursery is available during the Equip hour (9 AM) and the worship service (10 AM).
Worship Service Activities: Kids for Christ (children's church) meets during the teaching portion of the worship service and is for kids up to grade 5. Children are dismissed prior to the sermon. The time includes a Bible lesson and corresponding activity. Classes are divided by age: 3-5 year old children in one class and grades 1-5 in another.
Newborns to Two Years Old
We offer the nursery for the entirety of the morning.
Three Years Old through Kindergarten
Kids start with their parents in service and then are dismissed.
First Grade through Fifth Grade
Kids start with their parents in service and then are dismissed.
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