Magnify is honored to support the following missionaries:
Mission Organization: Greater Europe Mission
Location: England
What the Schwerdts do: Our primary ministry is to provide Pastoral Care for GEM missionaries in the United Kingdom and across Europe, proactively working with them to help them to be spiritually healthy and emotionally resilient as they serve. We are also assisting with leadership of a small church plant in Stourbridge, England, and experiencing the realities of front-line ministry with youth in today's essentially post-Christian England.
Mission Organization: Reach Global
What EM does: Continuing language and culture learning toward a ministry with the majority culture/majority religious group.
Mission Organization: Western Indian Missions
Location: Alaska
What the Hills do: The Hills serve with KCAM and Joy Media Ministries
Mission Organization: Navigators
Location: Colorado
What the Kelleys do: Through small-group Bible studies and Life-to-Life™ discipleship, they come alongside people and teach them to be Christ’s followers as they study and apply the Word of God to their lives. Then they train them to pass what they have learned on to others.
Mission Organization: Greater Europe Mission (seconded to SIL International)
Location: Based in Colorado but serve globally
What the Chapmans do: We work with Deaf communities around the world to support them in reaching their language development goals. Those goals include linguistic research, language recognition, Deaf education, Bible translation, and Scripture Engagement. We help lead a global team of people who come alongside Deaf communities in these efforts.
Mission Organization:Trainee Company of Ballet Magnificat
Location: Jackson, Mississippi
What Elizabeth does: Ballet Mag! aims to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the widest possible audience through the medium of dance, dance/drama, and personal witness. The Trainee Program specifically aims at strengthening dance technique, teaching discipleship skills and how to share our testimonies, as well as how to continue building my life in Jesus Christ as my foundation. We tour the Jackson area and perform in schools, nursing homes, and many other events. After every performance throughout the year, a trainee will have the opportunity to share the Gospel with the audience and then we will all go into the audience to talk with and pray for them individually.
Location: Colorado Springs
Through Mercy’s Gate, Magnify helps our neighbors find physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual help. We serve Mercy’s Gate through school supply drives, Thanksgiving dinners, and monthly support.
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